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March 8 2019 | City

What To Think About When Relocating To A New City

Whether you’re planning to relocate for work, school, love, or maybe you’ve simply fallen head-over-heels for a city you’ve travelled to (trust me, I get that ), packing your things and moving to a new city is a big commitment! If it were as easy as they portray it in movies and TV shows, we’d all be doing it. The fact of the matter is, however, there are some major considerations to make before taking the plunge. Now before you put your things in boxes and embark on this exciting new chapter, here are some things to consider before relocating to a new city.

The Cost of Living

This may seem like a no-brainer, but can you actually afford to live in the city you’re hoping to move to? For example, for a single person living in Toronto today, the average cost of living is $1,327.54 a month compared to $4,843.55 for a four-person family. The numbers are drastically different when compared to other Canadian cities like Montreal, where the cost of living is $1,003.45 and $3,660.76, respectively. Keep in mind, this doesn’t include the price of rent or mortgage payments if you’re thinking of buying. When assessing the cost of living in your desired city, don’t forget to take your job salary into account and see if you’ll be making enough to afford all your needs. Crunching the numbers is an essential first step before relocating to avoid any financial surprises you might end up regretting later.

Where You’ll Be Living

Research, research, research! Or better yet, if you can swing a visit, check out the city you want to relocate to and visit the various neighbourhoods that are hot on your radar. This way, you can get a true sense of which neighbourhood is right for you. Be sure to research its reputation and whether or not it’s close to amenities that matter to you, such as shopping centres, gyms, outdoor green space, and public transportation.

The Lifestyle

Every city has its own personality, quirks, and unique features that make it special. Toronto, for example, is an extremely high pace but vibrant city with distinct neighbourhoods throughout. In contrast, cities like Vancouver are best known for being more laid back and slow paced but features a jaw-dropping landscape that’s impossible not to love. If you’re already planning to make a visit, be sure to truly experience the city. Go off the beaten path and do as the locals do to see if it’s truly compatible with your lifestyle.

Your professional and personal connections

Making a move is never easy by yourself, which is why it’s important to take note of the people you know who live in that city. Having friends and family can make the growing pains of moving and adjusting to a new place a lot easier. It also helps to have people you trust to show you the ins and outs of your new home. If you’re considering relocating without a job lined up, consider your professional connections that live in that city. Reach out to them and invite them out to coffee or lunch, get insights into the job market and who knows, they may know of an opportunity that’s right for you! If you’re doing this completely solo, don’t sweat– look into different interest groups or events to attend in the city where you can make friends and build your network.

Know your short and long term goals

It’s important to always keep things in perspective and reflect on what your short and long term goals are and how they align with the new move. Know why you’re moving and what you want to achieve while you’re there. This is a great way to help you dictate whether you plan to stay there for the short or long term. While things can change, it’s important to make a game plan, so amidst any chaos or stress that might ensue from the move itself,  you can still see the bigger picture.

No matter how much you plan and prep, there’s always an adjustment period with any move. Just make sure you’ve done your research ahead of time and don’t forget to enjoy the process! Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the stress of it all, but remember this could be the start of an exciting new chapter in your life!